Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Malaysian natural heritage

since the independence of Malaya in 1957 and the birth of Malaysian in 1963, a lot have change. The the growing economy and the development of major city as well as rural environment has brought this nation into the world stage. Even nature cannot escape the changes that Independence bring. 

since our independence, many natural wonders of Malaysia has become a world heritage. among them are Gunung Mulu National Park and Kinabalu State park. for millennia, the nomadic tribes of Sabah and Sarawak have lived in this parks and seen many development from the British and Japanese occupation to the government of Malaysia. independence has open new doors for people of Malaysia as well as foreigner  to reach the summit of the mighty Kinabalu mountain as well as the deepest depth of caves at Gunung Mulu. since then these parks has been declared a world haritage by UNESCO.  


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